L.I.F.E. Schools

For the past twelve years, The Kemet Institute has successfully provided financial literacy, entrepreneurship and life skills education to underprivileged communities and is now seeking to expand this success by integrating its curriculum into all educational institutions. Financial education is lacking nationwide, leaving most individuals unaware of how to build sound financial futures and prevent personal financial crisis. This new chapter of Kemet, L.I.F.E Schools (Learning, Integrating, Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship), is focused on enabling all schools to bring Kemet’s life changing curriculum in as apart of the other common core classes taught at their institution, to ensure that financial education becomes widespread. We are developing a training program and a cutting edge digital curriculum focused on blending learning, to allow current teachers and leaders at any school to bring our subjects into their institution.

The L.I.F.E Schools Curriculum Plan

Kemet Institute’s L.I.F.E. Schools believe the mastery of core subjects and 21st century themes is essential to student success. Core subjects include English, Reading, World Languages, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Economics, Science, Geography, History, Government and Civics. In addition, L.I.F.E. Schools promotes an understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into core subjects: Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy, Global Awareness, Health Literacy and Environmental Education.