The Kemet Institute was a remarkably important program that left a rather large and positive impact on my thinking about my financial future. A freshman at the time, attending the Kemet Institute gave me a basic understanding of finance, stock market trading and personal investing, along with information on how to gain and maintain wealth. Additionally, it was nice to see a young African American man taking time out of his busy schedule to motivate and educate younger African American males on Saturdays in his home. We were provided an intimate class that not only taught finance, it covered other areas like choosing a college, getting money to pay for college education and making good choices in life. I was equally impressed that the class was taught by a black man who was distinguished, experienced, credible and on his way to becoming wealthy. I truly think this class would be an excellent opportunity for all adolescents, especially African American youth, because it gives the advantage of finance education that may not be offered in their schools. Plus, in today’s economy, the younger you learn how to attain and maintain wealth, the better off you will be as an adult.